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18302 Golden Pond CE ATP Signed (2)
Document Date: January 1, 1830 Document: 18302 Golden Pond CE ATP Signed (2).pdf
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United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING.
‘Charleston Field Oice 1027 Virginia Steet, East Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Lesa Baker, Project Coordinator Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mined Land Reclamation
3405 Mountain Empire Rd.
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
Dear Mrs. Baker,
OSMRE has thoroughly reviewed DMLR’s CE regarding the Golden Pond Gob Pile Project, Site 18302, and determined the project conforms to the exclusion criteria in the Department of the Interior, Departmental Manual, Part 516, DM 6, Chapter 13, and is excluded from further NEPA
Accordingly, pursuant to section 4-160-50D.3 of the Federal Assistance Manual, and section 403(b) of SMCRA, you are authorized to proceed with this project and expend Federal funds in accordance with AML grant terms and conditions. In accordance with OSM Directive AML-1, please update the Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System (e-AMLIS) from “unfunded” to “funded” based on your budget estimate for the project.
chard W. Buckley, Chief Field Support Branch
socioeconomics) (_) Fish and Wildlife
Signature: esa Baker Date: October 16, 2018
Lesa Baker AML Project Coordinator
X __ This project conforms with the exclusion criteria in 516 DM 6, Appendix 8, and is excluded from further NEPA compliance.
not conform with the exclusion criteria in 516 DM 6, requires an environmental assessment.
Date:_Alou. O18